Build Your Wall

In life, there are moments when you want to create a feature wall that immediately catches your attention when you enter the room. With faith in your God-given abilities and the right tools, you can accomplish anything. I recently built a feature wall using wood-like tiles (on clearance). It was easy, I only had to make a few cuts with a tile saw, and didn’t even have to grout it. The project took me six hours, split over two days. Total cost: $300.00

What catches your attention? What does God want you to see? What does God want me to see?

As I dive into my study of the book of Ezra, I realize that a remnant of Israel had to return and rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. The walls needed to be rebuilt. In chapter three, Ezra describes how God’s people stood as one, laying the foundation for the temple’s reconstruction. However, in chapter four, their enemies arrived, attempting to discourage and undermine them, halting the building process. God’s people became afraid and frustrated, bringing the project to a complete stop.

My friend, when you are building what God has called you to do, Satan isn’t far behind. He is going to discourage, threaten, and frighten you. He’s going to make you question your abilities and talents. He wants you to stop. But remember, the One who is in you is greater than the One who is in the world. Be encouraged. You have the right tools and God has covered you. Build your wall – and focus on God as you enter every room.

If I can do it, so can you. This is faith.